Quail Valley Lot Owners Association, Inc.
Meeting of Board of Directors
Date & Time : Thursday, January 23, 2014
Held at Minneola City Hall, FL
Note: Address any questions about Minutes to QVLOA Board of Directors or Lisa Donohue at EPM Services |
Quorum was met.
Meeting was called to order by Dave Yeager, at time 7:15 p.m.
Board members in attendance were as follows: Dave Yeager, Alfred Rodriguez, Steve McPherson and Lynn Anoai.
Community Manager Lisa Donohue from EPM was present.
The November 2013 minutes were approved with a motion from Steve and seconded by Alfred. All agreed. Motion passed.
Treasurers Report by Lisa Donohue
- As of December 31, 2013
- CNL Operating Account: $107,032.35
- Regions Money Market: $60,662.56
- CNL Reserve Account: $119,090.63
- Accounts Receivable: $68,454.56
Committee Reports were given as follows:
ARB Report:
- ARB requests were reviewed and signed by ARB committee.
- Management was requested to send letters to owners on Magellan to maintain their backyards as some owners are neglecting to maintain the inclined backyards.
- Board agreed that palms at the park should be trimmed by PLM.
Unfinished Business:
- A motion was made by Steve and seconded by Alfred to have Cecelia Bonifay continue to monitor and report back findings of the association’s ability to retain parcel A. Desired result is for the City to deed the land to Quail Valley LOA. In addition, Ms Bonifay is to keep association informed on the progress of Hanover building an access road from Parcel B. All agreed and motion passed.
- A motion was made by Alfred and seconded by Lynn to have Cecelia Bonifay, attorney, contact the corporate office at Walgreens or the General Counsel’s office to bring the irrigation matter at the entrance to their attention and demand that services be restored.
New Business:
- A motion was made by Steve and seconded by Alfred to move $70,000 from the CNL Operating account and all the money from the Regions Money Market account to First Southern Bank. All agreed and motion carried.
- A motion was made by Alfred and seconded by Lynn to have Landscape Creations provide and install 25 yards of sand to the playground for $1448.75. All agreed and the motion passed.
Motion to adjourn by Alfred at 8:20 p.m.
Next meeting will be on Thursday, February 26th, 2014 at 7:15 at the Minneola City Hall.
The minutes were submitted by Lisa Donohue for the Secretary. |