Meeting called to order: President Ray Nivarel called the meeting to order at 7:18 p.m.
Quorun of the Board was established: President Ray Nivarel, Vice President Laura Smith, Secretary/Treasurer Robert Tindell and Director Ronald Caron were in attendance. There were 9 homeowners in attendance. Anita Roberts, CMCA, AMS represented Premier Association Management.
Proof of Notice: 48-hour notice was posted in accordance to Florida State Statutes.
Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes:
- There were no minutes from the October meeting.
Review of Financial Statement:
- Management reviewed the financial statement for the period ending October 31, 2021. Discussion was held on the expenses for the month and the accounts receivable report.
Violations Report:
- Management provided the violation report to the Board. Management will review the report and close out violations that have been corrected.
Managers' Report:
- Discussion was held on the holiday lighting and management will review to ensure the contractor has received the approved proposal and set the date for installation. The Board requested a start date for the sign installation.
New Business:
- Laura Smith moved to approve the Yard of the Month for 823 Whisper Sound. Robert Tindell seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
- Discussion was held on the Off Duty Patrol and the Board inquired as to when they will start patrolling. Laura Smith moved to have the patrol on the afternoon of December 17th from 3 to 7 p.m. Robert Tindell seconded the motion which carrried unanimously.
- The 2022 Budget was presented for review. Discussion was held on the expense line items and the adjustments. Management will review the expense line items and keep the assessments at the same rate. Laura Smith moved to roll the 2021 Budget to 2022. Robert Tindell seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Management will provide an updated budget with the annual meeting notice.
- The Annual Membership Meeting is scheduled for January 27, 2022. The Board requested management reserve City Hall for the meeting.
Open Floor:
- There were no comments from the owners.
Laura Smith reported on the free-standing solar panels and requested information if they could be installed in the community.
Adjournment: Robert Tindell moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 p.m. Laura Smith seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Next meeting: November 17, 2021 (sic) at Premier Association Management.
Meetings Conducted with Robert's Rule of Order
Prepared by Premier Association Management, managing agent, for: Robert Tindell, Secretary.