Quail Valley Lot Owners Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, March 12, 2007
Minneola City Hall, Minneola, FL
Note: This meeting was recorded in its entirety.

Homeowners may apply to listen to the recording by contacting the Board President,
Matt Earnest, at 352-394-0842, or by e-mail: m44c39@earthlink.net
The meeting was called to order by Matt Earnest at 7:15 p.m. Matt asked if any home owners wanted to speak during the Homeowners Forum.

Mr. Kevin Ocfemia, 172 Caryle asked a question about the vehicle parking. He was concerned about the limit on the size we were putting on commercial vehicles. Woody asked what kind of vehicle he had. The owner has a van which would not be considered a prohibited vehicle under the proposed clarification of our parking rules.

Jean Gibson asked a question regarding the signs that we were supposed to have put up such as the Crime Watch and No Soliciting sign. Matt indicated that these are issues that involve the city and until the City gives us the ok, we are unable to put these signs up. We are waiting for the new Crime Watch sign. Jean asked who in the city we could contact. Dave said to contact Ramon. Jean asked if a home owner can make the call or does it have to come from the Board. Matt indicated that either the home owner or the Board can make the call.

Jeff Luck asked about the lights in Quail Valley. Do they belong to the city or Quail Valley? The lights belong to the city all except the ones at the entrance which we rent from SECO. He then asked why we could not place our signs on one of the lamp posts. Again, Matt indicated it is a city issue and we have to wait on the city for approval.

Dave indicated that Quail Valley only has a right of way into our development and admitted that the city slipped up when this community was being turned over by the developer.

Joslyn at 215 Valley Edge asked why we didn’t put in speed bumps instead of stop signs. Again Matt indicated that this is a city issue. Joslyn asked if we can contact the city. Matt said yes. Joslyn also complained about the parking on the grass issue which will be talked about later. She indicated that if she parks her car in the street whoever is squealing down the street at night could damage her car and any others. Matt indicated that we can not enforce what goes on from sidewalk to sidewalk.

Dave indicated that this is one of the authorities that he has input in. He worked with the city manager and they went around the neighborhoods deciding whether to put in stop signs or speed ramps. Speed bumps are not allowed because Fire Engines are not able to get over them. He said that they plan to put in temporary speed tables and then adjust them accordingly. He also said when you hear a disturbance, to call the Sheriff. That is what he is being paid for. Parking across the sidewalk is against City Regulations. A question was asked if this regulation applied to the police because there is a police car that consistently parks over the sidewalk. Dave said yes it applies to everyone regardless of what position they hold.

An owner at 431 Gentle Breeze Drive asked about putting a stop sign at Tranquility and Gentle Breeze. He did not want the speed tables because they make too much noise. Dave indicated that the speed tables would be adjusted after they are in. He indicated that he and the city manager will go out again and look at areas that may need further attention.

A resident on La Costa mentioned that the park looks great but asked if we could put a water fountain at the park. Matt indicated that it was possible. They also asked if there could be stop signs before each of the cross walks indicating that there were cross walks coming up.

Dave responded that he needed to get with Public Works.

Matt closed the homeowner’s forum.

Matt indicated that we did not have a copy of the January minutes but they were available online. Jean Gibson had a hard copy of the January minutes.

A motion was made by Woody to accept the January minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Dave. Vote was unanimous. The minutes were approved.

Matt indicated that we did have a quorum. Those board members present were Matt Earnest, Francine Scocca, Fred Wood and Dave Yeager. Nancy Jackson was absent.

The President’s Report:
  • Work continues regarding the entry with trees being marked and the value and cost of moving them under consideration.

  • Our attorney is pursuing action against 149 Gentle Breeze.

  • The Park Committee meeting was reported and several items were discussed. They are:
    • Painting the shelter
    • Trash pick up and trash can clean up
    • Need for a park sign with hours and basic rules
    • Need for no parking on grass sign and possible rocks
    • Request for flag pole at park
    • Work Day agenda

    We will have a Quail Valley Work Day on April 21st from 9 – 2.

    We have changed establishments where we can obtain paint for our homes from Sherman Williams to Hilltop ACE Hardware. Jeff Luck has the book with the acceptable colors.

    Pond issues – will be discussed later.

    The park announcement will be on the web site. There was a question regarding who is liable if someone were to get hurt at the park. Matt answered, the HOA. We have insurance to cover any liability.

    The Postels have taken over the Park Committee. Any further meeting regarding the park will be posted on the web site.

    A question was asked if we are no longer restricted to the original colors. Matt answered it is up to the ARC.

    There is a problem with some of the ponds holding storm water. Some erosion has occurred and we are charged with maintaining these ponds. The pipes can wash out unless we maintain them properly.

    Dave wanted to go back to address the issues with our entrance. He asked if our original agreement with Mr. McGee has changed. If the other developer is planning to remove our sign and other trees, we should have a meeting with them to discuss our options. Does the Board care about keeping the integrity of our entrance? All Board members are in favor of keeping the integrity of our entrance.

    Dave made a motion to proceed with saving our entrance as it stands now. It was seconded by Woody. Vote was unanimous.

    John asked the question regarding what trees were identified at our last meeting to be valued and moved. The center palm has a blue ribbon on it. Matt indicated that it has the ribbon because we are determining its value.

    Financial Report – 85 owners have not paid 2007 dues. They have been turned over for foreclosure. They are in the process of being collected. We have made some concessions to allow monthly payments but no fees are being waived.

    Jean Gibson asked the question about where the funds are going that are collected from those owners who are paying monthly. Matt responded, to the attorney.

    Jeff Luck asked how many were in foreclosure. Matt responded 25.

    Dave Yeager had a question about the $17,000 for the park. Did that include everything, trees, plants, etc? Matt responded yes.

    There still seems to be a discrepancy on the line item for the Management Fees. Matt will be checking with the accounting.

    Matt asked that all residents be concerned about the quality of our neighborhood and be aware of when renters or other non desirables, such as drug dealers are overrunning in our community. This is a single family community.

    Fred Wood went over the revised Vehicle Parking changes to our rules. There was lots of discussion regarding parking on the grass and what vehicles are allowed.

    Matt addressed the ponds issue. He has several estimates for the repairs. Matt suggests we go with Brothers Excavating because they had good references and are also doing the work for Highland Oaks.

    Dave Yeager made a suggestion that we get an engineer to look over the work that the proposed contractor has outlined.

    Fred Wood made a motion that we investigate the cost and timeframe for the engineering review. It was seconded by Dave Yeager. Vote was unanimous.

    If the engineering review takes longer than 15 – 20 days then we should reassess.

    Dave Yeager said he would call Matt in the morning with the number for an engineer.

    Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Jackson, Secretary

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Posted April 5, 2007.

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