The meeting was called to order at 7:20 p.m. by Mike Ellis.
A quorum of the Board members was present with 3 of the 4 Board members in attandance. Present: Mike Ellis, Ray Nivarel and Mel Ash (telephone). Absent: Alfred Rodriguez.
The management company was represented by Lynn Edwards of EPM Services.
Proof of Notice was signed by President, Mike Ellis.
The June 22, 2017 meeting minutes were approved with a motion from Ray. Mel seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion passed.
President Mike Ellis opened the floor for interest in filling the vacant Board position and Matt Masem expressed interest. No other person present indicated interest. Mike motioned and Mel seconded the motion to vote Matt Masem to the Board. All in favor and the motion passed. Management will send Matt and all Board members the Board acknowledgement and documents required.
Management Report
- The Board was provided with the additional charges list from EPM Services as requested via email. Certified fees as well as mailout costs were discussed..
- Inspections once per month were discussed. The certified fees and mailouts are becoming expensive to the association. Further, if Board members send emailed violations, Board members could be called to testify in Court. It was discussed that management would only send violations with a picture as backup.
Legal Report
- The Board was provided with the quarterly legal report and all matters were available to the Board for discussion. Management advised they are providing Attorney Al Cook with all needed ledgers (Colon, Earnest, Golden) and update on violation for Durejai.
Financial Report
- The financial report was given by Manager, Lynn Edwards. The Board was advised that the operating account balance was $142,723.52 and the Reserve Balance was $182,273.15. The large variance in the GL4010 of $10,796.01 (annual) was discussed. This is several Intent to Lien letters that went out as well as many violation letters with certified fees.
- Ray motioned and Matt seconded the motion to accept the June 2017 financials as presented. All in favor and the motion passed.
Violations Report
- The Board discussed the current violation report 230 issued in July. These numbers are decreasing every month but not rapidly. The association is paying large amounts of money for mailouts, certified fees and letters. The Board decided to take management's recommendation of a three-letter process. The first letter is first class postage and the second letter is first class postage also. The third letter will be the $35 certified fee and the $75 flat fee. The Board was provided with a sample third letter. The time to cure the violation is 15 days, 10 days and then 10 days. The fourth letter violation would turn the address over to the attorney. Ray motioned and Matt seconded the motion to stay with the three-letter process at a 15/10/10 time to cure.
Unfinished Business
- Adoption of Rules was tabled until Mel returns to sign the document prepared by Al Cook.
- The Board approved last month the rule of no painting and staining of driveways. Tom was asked to furnish "concrete" color options for the four driveways that are currently painted and cannot get the paint off.
- Basketball goals were discussed to clarify the location of the goals to be in the driveway and not facing the street.
New Business
- Tom with the ARC Committee is not getting ARB requests. Management was asked to help him get set up.
- Mowing behind La Costa was discussed. The County was contacted and should mow their area. Management contacted PLM Landscape to mow association's part.
- Management was asked to draft a letter that could be emailed or mailed to all owners regarding Community Standards. This letter (if mailed) should ask for owners' contact email in an effort to cut mailing costs.
Open Floor
- The 2nd island as entering the association has been neglected by PLM. Management was asked to contact them.
- The community garage sale should be on the agenda for August. Management will get the permit and signs for the September sale.
- Magement was asked to update the QVLOA site with the Cinc web address and to update the Cinc site with the QVLOA link.
- 455 Gentle Breeze needs mowed in the back. Management to contact the owner or PLM.
- Management was asked to contact PLM regarding pressure washing the entrance to the first stop sign (curbs only).
- 545 Gentle Breeze is yard of the month for August.
- Management was asked to check with PLM regarding the mowing of the retention ponds every month.
- Management was asked to shop the Landscape company and obtain 3 proposals. There is a landscape owner on Valley Edge and also check the Garden Rebel.
The next meeting date will be held on Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 7:15 p.m.
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