A regular meeting of the Quail Valley Lot Owners Association, Inc. Board of Directors was held at the Minneola City Hall on January 23, 2020, at 7:15 p.m.
Board Members present were Ray Nivarel (President), Ron Caron (Director) and Laura Smith (Vice President). Quorum was established. Marie Aguirre represented Management.
Meeting called to order at 7:18 p.m.
Previous Meeting Minutes: December 18, 2019
- Laura Smith motioned to accept minutes; Ron Caron seconded, and all approved.
Financial Report
- Report was presented by Manager, Marie Aguirre.
Manager's Report
- Manager advises that work orders are open for Sam but he is not available until first week in February. Open work orders are:
- Hasp for info sign
- Trimming bush overhanging sidewalk
- repairing the fence at the front entrance
- Tightening the sail at playground
- Replace bolt on drums at playground.
Electrical work orders for electrician are pending for the lights at the park pavilion.
- Manager also reports that there are several lights out in the community and she is requesting repairs for those.
ARB Report
- Ray reports that ARC Tracker is working well. Advises that the architectural committee is rethinking the painting choices and schemes for the community. The community will develop a plan and present to the Board for approval.
- The ARB Committee request approval for a new color scheme, Scheme 36 Body SW6142 Coastal Plain, and Trim SW7012 Creamy Laura motions to accept color Scheme #36, Ron seconds and all are in favor.
Unfinished Business
- No security report for this month.
- Manager clarifies that coupons were sent. Error on coupons occurred with BBT Bank. Postcards were sent by management to inform owners of error and provide correct information.
- Annual Meeting will be held in February. Notices will be prepared.
New Business
- Landscape proposals will be tabled until February when more proposals are available. Robert Tindell volunteered to be on the Board Ron motioned to appoint Robert to the Board of Directors, Laura seconded and all were in favor. Motion passed. Welcome Robert!
- Yard of the month for December is 219 Magellan please send gift card and letter.
Member Forum
- Manager reports that Spectrum has been called about the truck at Magellan parked overnight. The investigation is ongoing but Spectrum doesn't seem to care much about the issue.
Adjournment: 8:36 p.m.
Ron Caron motioned to adjourn, Laura Smith seconded and all in favor.